
Listen to what students are saying about our online literature course: 

I absolutely love this curriculum! Not only did I get to read different types of Modern literature, but I also learned how to evaluate them from a Christian perspective. The website is very easy to use, and the study questions really helped me to think about and understand what I was reading. Overall, my favorite part of the course had to be watching the discussion videos. They're fun, engaging, informative, and you really feel like a part of the class. When I first started this program, I was worried I might get overwhelmed, but this curriculum is a flexible and stress-free course with a very doable amount of work each week. This is by far the best literature class I've ever taken! Would definitively recommend to anyone considering this online course!

E.S. - Virginia

The online literature class was amazing! Althought I had been in the live class, being online made the course accessible, fun, and adjustable to my schedule. The discussions are entertaining but also very thought provoking and intriguing. Considering I’m not a very techy person, the website was easy to use and navigate. The videos always had good quality video and sound and they really made me feel like part of the class again. I’ve enjoyed being an in-class student equally as much as I have an online student. Overall, Literature class is just good clean fun! 

R.R. - Texas

Taking Professor Schutt's Modern Lit course changed the way that I read books. As a slow reader, I have a hard time reading for enjoyment. This class, however, helped me see reading as more than just a necessary task to complete for a grade.

The interactive way in which Professor Schutt taught each class forced me as a student to think through my own opinions and ideas on the work instead of simply taking him at his word. His style is engaging and funny, and I never found myself checking my watch. He often helped the students reach a conclusion instead of simply stating a fact, and this created an atmosphere of healthy conversation and learning. Each class discussion left me eager to pick up the book and search the next chapters for deeper themes and character development. What I normally would have seen as a tediously long narrative I learned to see as an author's stylistic and intentional choice of words.

The study questions and assignments helped train my brain to constantly think, wonder, and ultimately get the best experience possible from a work of literature. This course challenged me to truly learn from each book that I read.

I took the online version of this class and, although I often wished I could have experienced the classes face to face, it was a great second option! The website is straightforward and user friendly. Everything was easily accessible and I didn't run into a single technical difficulty. If you don't have the honor of attending these classes in person I highly recommend you take this course online!

M.B. - Virginia

I really love this course, and how the lessons and reading assignments are structured - I think it’s a really good system. The content is also excellent, and I have really enjoyed the reading selections. Adding the start and end dates of semesters and breaks might make the website a little easier to navigate, but I don’t really think it’s a problem. I have been most appreciative of how responsive you are to any/all questions and concerns; it has helped this year to go very smoothly for me! Thanks again! 

O.S - Texas