Law - Literature - Life


Joining the Great Conversation

The Great Conversation

Colloquia offerings—online courses, retreats, small group resources, and speakers' bureau—are an effort to “pitch in” to the Great Conversation that, in the words of Robert Maynard Hutchison, “began in the dawn of history and continues to the present day.”

We were created to be in relationship—relationship with our Creator, relationship with each other, and relationship with the rest of creation. God made us to enjoy fellowship with him and with one another.

We were made to be in conversation!


The great conversation is rooted in the canon of Western literature and takes place as men and women read, comment, and converse with one another across generations, cultures, and faiths through the written word. Yet the conversation would not even be possible without a central source from which all of Western literature—indeed all of Western culture—flows: Holy Scripture.


The aim of Colloquia is to facilitate participation in that Great Conversation in the context of the study of literature, the study of law, and the study of Christian worldview generally. Browse the menu to find a resource that fits your needs.

Some animating ideas:

  • The importance of face to face engagement, even in a “social” media world. The apostle John writes in his second epistle: "Though I have much to write to you, I would rather not use paper and ink. Instead I hope to come to you and talk face to face, so that our joy may be complete." Our joy is complete when we meet together in person.

  • The centrality of First Things. We cannot understand the topics of the day, large or small, political or social, without perspective. We are blinded by our modern biases, we are warped by our personal preferences, and we are misled by our hidden motives. We need a foundation on which to stand, and that foundation must be rooted in Scripture. We begin with God's revelation of Himself in the Word and we build our understanding from there.

  • The modest nature and scope of our task. We do not "change the world," "make a mark," or "build" the kingdom. We are God's instruments of grace to our neighbors, and our goal should be to live small-- to focus on those around us today, to open our eyes to everyday grace, and to appreciate the tasks already at hand. Our tendency is to look for the next big thing, to make the big "impact," or to hit a home run.

  • The joy of conversation and reflection in Christian community and beyond. God gives us one another that our joy in Him may be complete! It is a privilege and a joy to engage, consider, and reason together.

Our purpose is to glorify God and enjoy Him as we experience Him loving our neighbors through us.

Colloquia Offerings

Online Courses

Retreats and Weekend Colloquia

Small Group Resources

Literature Weekends for Adults


Wednesday Men's Book Group

Tuesday Lit Class

If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Schutt at 903-563-3777 or at

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