Google Account FAQ

Create a Gmail email account

Use your existing email address to create a Google account (without Gmail)


How do I create a Google Account?

Most people find the easiest way to have a Google account is to create a Gmail account. Gmail is Google's free online email product. However, a Gmail email account is not required for access to our courses. You can use your existing email address to create a Google account (without Gmail). Please visit this tutorial for a step-by-step guide on how to create a Google account using your existing email address, if you wish to do so.

When do I need a Google account?

Our course registration process requires you to enter the email address associated with your Google account. Therefore, you must have this step completed before starting the course registration process.

Why is a Google account required to access the courses?

Our websites are Google products, so the passwords are part of the Google system. Just like your bank or Facebook require you to have a password in their system, so does Google. We cannot see or access your password.

The email address and password associated with your Google account will be your log-in for this course.

Do I need to have a Gmail account to create a Google account?

No. You may use your existing email address to create a Google account. If you have a Gmail account, you already have a Google account.